Sunday, February 13, 2011

Business Meeting on 2/13/2011 minutes.

Let's start with some housekeeping.

First, it was really nice to be able to welcome some new members to our group.

After a discussion at today's meeting, comments on the blog are now moderated rather than requiring an account. This means that anyone can comment, but you'll have to wait until someone has a chance to approve your comment.

Now onto the good stuff.

-Plans are coming along nicely to be able to be able to offer Safe Space programs to local high-schools. I'm hoping things will be in place by this fall if all goes well. Dr. Robin Nussbaum at the SUNY Oneonta G.S.R.C. has agreed to help us set up the program and provide "Train the Trainer" workshops to volunteers to help get the program off the ground.

-Dr. Robin Nussbaum had also asked me previously if we would be willing to co-sponsor a LGBTQA youth group. After talking it over with our group, the idea was approved, and I will be contacting Dr. Robin Nussbaum to see what we can do to assist.

-We are also planning on having a Community Pride Day in June. Nothing is set in stone at this point, but hopefully we will have more details soon.

-Pathy is working with individuals who helped us out with a previous fundraiser to put together another fundraiser in late March or early April.

Submitted by Jeremy Redlien

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